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Deal Diligence
218 words·2 mins
Diligence Compliance Strategy
Managing the data workload associated with a deal process, whether you’re an investor or business leader.
Fractional Head of Data
135 words·1 min
Leadership Strategy
Playing a data leadership role part-time within your organisation.
Data Strategy
117 words·1 min
Leadership Strategy
Many data strategy frameworks are overkill for smaller organisations. We can help with something crisper.
Data Mentoring
337 words·2 mins
Leadership Strategy
Experienced support for your existing data team so they can perform at their best.
Privacy & GDPR
322 words·2 mins
Diligence Compliance Strategy
Scale-appropriate approaches to privacy and GDPR compliance.
Business Leaders
244 words·2 mins
Performance Operations Strategy
Find out how we can help non-technical founders & business leaders.
265 words·2 mins
Diligence Strategy Performance
Find out how A14K helps investors and current shareholders in data rich businesses.
Data Professionals
461 words·3 mins
Strategy Insight Infrastructure
Find out how A14K helps data professionals like you, embedded in a small business context.