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Fractional Head of Data

135 words·1 min
Leadership Strategy

If you’re a small organisation you don’t always want or need a full time data leadership role. You might however be finding that it’s tricky and inefficient to engage analytics or engineering contractors or platforms without access to the right organisational structures and data leadership.

Fractional data leadership options provide access to this kind of role in a cost effective way for smaller organisations. At the lighter end of the spectrum, with a couple of days a month we can steer automation projects, keep a minimal data strategy up to date and lead the hiring and selection of data specialists. At the heavier end of the spectrum, with a couple of days a week it’s possible to get much more hands on running rituals and playing a line management role with more junior team members.

Alan Cruickshank
Alan Cruickshank
Director @ A14K | Author & Maintainer @ SQLFluff | DataIQ 100 2020.