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A14K is a small outfit. We work directly with your team in small, focussed engagements. We speak your language, being able to communicate in, and translate between, strategic, commercial and deeply technical spheres.

We’re also human. We listen, and we want to understand your perspective.

To achieve that, we don’t do massive projects and armies of consultants. If that’s what your organisation needs, then we’re happy to recommend some of the great other options out there.

If however, you’re looking for something more focussed, and more appropriate for an organisation your size, with people who’ve worked in small, fast growing organisations before - then let’s chat 😁.

Deal Diligence
218 words·2 mins
Diligence Compliance Strategy
Managing the data workload associated with a deal process, whether you’re an investor or business leader.
Fractional Head of Data
135 words·1 min
Leadership Strategy
Playing a data leadership role part-time within your organisation.
Data Strategy
117 words·1 min
Leadership Strategy
Many data strategy frameworks are overkill for smaller organisations. We can help with something crisper.
Generative AI
141 words·1 min
AI Operations
How to extract value from GenAI within small organisations.
Data Mentoring
337 words·2 mins
Leadership Strategy
Experienced support for your existing data team so they can perform at their best.
Privacy & GDPR
322 words·2 mins
Diligence Compliance Strategy
Scale-appropriate approaches to privacy and GDPR compliance.
Modern Data Stack
355 words·2 mins
Operations Development
How to extract value from GenAI within small organisations.
343 words·2 mins
Infrastructure Operations
Operating and running a streamlined dbt operation.
280 words·2 mins
Wrestling messy SQL projects into shape, and ensuring they remain manageable in the long run.
59 words·1 min
AI Operations Infrastructure Development
Scalable data warehouse deployment for small organisations.