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265 words·2 mins
Diligence Strategy Performance

Data at it’s best can be a tool to provide immense clarity to underlying performance, but at it’s worse it can mislead or obfuscate the true situation. Most organisations are (rightly) very protective of their first party data, and so can be reluctant to share unfiltered and granular data with investors and shareholders. This is rooted in a very reasonable desire to not mislead, because data without context can be very misleading, and do the opposite of what they’re trying to achieve.

This presents a paradox: How do you objectively assess underlying performance when your only lens onto that is through the subjective interpretation of the current management team?

Whether it’s for a business you’re already a shareholder of, or whether as part of a transaction, we can help cut through the techno babble and obfuscation to get a view on what’s truly going on. We’ve got the deal experience to understand your context, combined with the technical hands-on experience of operating data teams in high growth organisations to connect and effectively communicate with the in-house team.

Deal Diligence
218 words·2 mins
Diligence Compliance Strategy
Managing the data workload associated with a deal process, whether you’re an investor or business leader.

That could be as a one-off project, or as a deployed resource on the ground to support the people you already have in the organisation:

Data Mentoring
337 words·2 mins
Leadership Strategy
Experienced support for your existing data team so they can perform at their best.
Fractional Head of Data
135 words·1 min
Leadership Strategy
Playing a data leadership role part-time within your organisation.
Alan Cruickshank
Alan Cruickshank
Director @ A14K | Author & Maintainer @ SQLFluff | DataIQ 100 2020.